3 Easy Things You Can Do To Foster A Great Culture

Looking to create a positive, supportive work environment for your team? 

At Strictly Savvy, we understand the importance of a great workplace culture, and we're proud to have received the Supreme Award at the BSI Culture Excellence Awards for 2022, recognising our efforts in creating a supportive and enjoyable work environment.  

So, how can you create a positive workplace culture? Here's our top three tips: 

  1. Make it fun! Having an outlet for fun helps keep the atmosphere relaxed and positive. We have an internal chat tool with a channel dedicated to humor and lighthearted banter called the "General Channel." Our team members share funny videos and photos, and even our leadership team gets in on the fun, making the work environment enjoyable, and giving the team an outlet to turn to during the workday. 

  1. Promote well-being. Encouraging work-life balance and promoting employee well-being is key to maintaining a positive workplace culture. Trust your team and prioritise outcomes over the number of hours they are online. Remember that your team are human, and encourage taking breaks to prioritise health both mental and physical. 

  1. Recognise and value employees. Recognising and valuing employees is crucial for keeping morale high and motivation strong. Show appreciation through public recognition, such as sharing positive feedback from clients or recognising exceptional team members on company social media pages. Celebrating hard work and embodying company values can have a significant impact on employee satisfaction and motivation. 

By providing an outlet for fun, promoting well-being and valuing your employees, you can create a great workplace culture for your team, one that people look forward to coming into every day! 

 Listen to the full Get Savvy podcast episode on this topic here


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