The AI Takeover Series: #4 Marketing

We're wrapping up the fourth and final part of our AI Takeover Series on the Get Savvy podcast. In this episode we're looking at the future of AI in marketing. 

AI is transforming the way we create and distribute content. Here’s a closer look at how AI is not just simplifying marketing tasks but also boosting creativity and productivity: 

Social Media and Email Marketing 

A great starting point with AI in your marketing is generating captions using tools like ChatGPT. After providing AI with a detailed prompt that includes your brand voice, target audience, and content purpose, you'll want to refine the generated content to ensure it fully embodies your brand and avoids generic AI phrasings and emojis (the rocket emoji and words like ‘unleash’ are dead giveaways that a piece of content has been written by AI). 

This careful editing is key to ensure that your content resonates deeply with your audience and remains true to your brand’s voice. 

Using AI, you can easily generate many content pieces, such as attention-grabbing email subject lines. Request as many options as you need—10, 30, 50—from your AI tool, then select the best from the list of choices. What could take hours manually is achieved in moments with AI. 

Content Repurposing 

AI can help you seamlessly adapt content across various platforms. For instance, transform a podcast transcript into a structured blog post complete with key points, suggested headings, and a tone adjusted for your blog audience using ChatGPT. 

Or, repurpose an informal Instagram caption into a professional LinkedIn post suitable for the platform’s more formal tone. For example: “Hi ChatGPT, I have an Instagram caption about our company’s recent innovation workshop that I'd like to repurpose into a LinkedIn post. The Instagram caption is casual and lively. I need it transformed into a more professional and formal tone suitable for LinkedIn.” 

This capability ensures consistency across channels, broadening your message’s reach while minimising the need for additional creative efforts. 

Visual Content Creation 

For unique visual content, AI tools like DALL-E and Canva’s Magic Generate can be transformative.  

Provide these tools with detailed prompts regarding style, mood, and theme to generate custom visuals or illustrations that perfectly meet your specific needs. This allows you to quickly produce high-quality visual content that complements your branding and marketing objectives. 

An example prompt would be: “Generate an illustration of a modern office space with diverse professionals collaborating around a high-tech conference table. The style should be bright and modern, with a focus on blues and greens to evoke a sense of innovation and teamwork.” 

Keyword and Market Research 

AI tools such as ChatGPT, Meta.AI, Copilot, and Google's Gemini can all be used for keyword and market research. 

Prompt these tools to uncover relevant data, helping you understand what your audience seeks and where your competitors might be excelling. For example, your prompt might be:  

“I am looking to deepen my understanding of the current market trends in [my industry]. Could you assist me by doing the following: 

  1. Analyse the latest trends in this market over the past year. 

  1. Identify the top competitors in this industry and provide a summary of what distinguishes them from one another. 

  1. List the key keywords that consumers are using to search for products in this industry. 

  1. Suggest potential areas of opportunity or gaps in the market that a new product line could aim to fill.” 

Integrating AI into your marketing strategy isn't just about enhancing efficiency—it's about redefining creativity and achieving strategic depth. Predictions suggest that by 2026, 80% of online content will be AI-generated. By adopting these tools now, you position yourself ahead of the curve, streamlining your marketing efforts to free up your team for deeper, more strategic engagements in your business. 

Want to learn more about implementing AI in your business? Check out the previous episodes in our AI Takeover series:  

If you're looking for experts to analyse, plan, and implement AI tools to enhance the efficiency of your business processes, you're in the right place. 

Our team of super savvy virtual assistants is ready to help you level up your business with AI. Book a discovery call with us or leave us a message below to get started. 


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