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The AI Takeover Series: #3 Data and Reporting

In part three, we're looking at how artificial intelligence can change how data and reporting is managed in your business.  If you're tangled in spreadsheets or dedicating too much time to compiling reports, AI is your new best friend. Integrating AI into your data management processes can free up your team to focus on what truly drives your business forward: strategic decision-making and growth. ...

July 17, 2024

The AI Takeover Series: #2 Customer Service

Welcome to the second episode of our AI Takeover Series, where we dive into how AI is revolutionising customer service. If you missed it, check out our first episode where we discussed using AI for administrative tasks, here. ...

July 3, 2024

The AI Takeover Series: #1 Administration

In Part 1 we're looking at administrative automation and how AI tools, specifically ChatGPT 4o, can take your tasks from time-consuming to highly efficient. The newest version of ChatGPT (4o) is now available for free - making it accessible to more users and bringing with it many of the capabilities that used to only be available to paid accounts. Free platforms like this are inevitably going to lead to more innovation and competition among AI platforms, so it's worth keeping a close eye on...

June 19, 2024

8 Tragic Mistakes You're Making When Using a Virtual Assistant

Bringing a virtual assistant on board is like pressing the fast-forward button on your productivity and reclaiming your time. But let’s be real—it’s not a magical solution. It's about building a relationship that grows stronger over time. Here’s a rundown of common slip-ups we've seen and how you can steer clear of them.Skimping on CommunicationChatting with your VA should be part of your daily routine, especially if they're a big part of your operations. Regular check-ins keep everyone ...

June 6, 2024

Are Virtual Assistants Only for Small Businesses?

We often talk about virtual assistants being a game-changer for small businesses, but their advantages extend well beyond that. Whether you're the leader of a small business or part of a larger company, virtual assistants can aid in scalability, managing overflow, and providing specialised support without the need for hiring additional full-time staff. Let's look at how virtual assistants can benefit businesses of all sizes: ...

May 23, 2024

How Can I Use AI In My Business?

It's about setting your business apart, making daily operations smoother, and unlocking potential for efficiency in ways you might not have previously imagined or had access to.  Here are our top tips for integrating AI into your business, to streamline your tasks and automate the mundane, ensuring you have the time to focus on what really matters—growing your business and making progress towards your goals. Begin your AI journey with accessible tools like ChatGPT or Meta AI. Th...

May 22, 2024

4 Ways to Avoid Being the Bottleneck in Your Business

As a busy business owner, you're no stranger to the overwhelming feeling of being inundated with tasks and responsibilities, often leading to bottlenecks that hinder your business's progress. It doesn't have to be this way. There are simple strategies you can implement to streamline your operations and ensure your business runs smoothly. Let's dive into these tips and tricks tailored specifically for business owners like yourself. ...

May 21, 2024

What Happens If My Virtual Assistant Is On Leave?

So, you finally found that amazing virtual assistant who's been taking care of your tasks. They've been an absolute lifesaver, right?  But what happens when they decide to take a well-deserved holiday, or if they need to take time off because they're sick?  Panic may start to creep in, but don't worry! Whether you're working with a VA agency or a freelancer, there's likely a backup plan in place. Let's dive in and discover how to handle this situation. ...

May 16, 2024

AI Overwhelm: What You Need To Know

AI isn't just a passing trend. It's here to stay and evolving at breakneck speed. Businesses of all sizes are tapping into AI to streamline operations and enhance customer interactions, with tools like ChatGPT now able to handle tasks ranging from customer service inquiries to complex data analysis and content creation....

May 9, 2024

Episode 25 - Is Your Workload Unsustainable?

But, there’s a thin line between managing a full plate and tipping into burnout territory.  Today, we’re discussing how to recognise when your workload might be pushing you towards burnout—because recognising the signs early can make all the difference for getting back on track. ...

April 24, 2024

Are Your Employees Worried About You Hiring A Virtual Assistant?

So, you're thinking about bringing on a virtual assistant, but your team members are feeling a little worried about the change? We’ve got some great insights to help you ease their concerns and show them the benefits of having a virtual assistant on their team. We totally understand why they might be feeling a bit uneasy. Change can be intimidating, and the thought of someone coming in and taking over their work can cause anxiety. But here's the key – a virtual assistant is not here to ...

April 23, 2024

How Much Time Do I Have To Commit To Training My Virtual Assistant?

As a busy entrepreneur or business owner, you might be considering hiring a virtual assistant to help with tasks that take up too much of your time. Before you make the decision to bring on a VA, it's important to understand the amount of time and effort required to get them up and running. ...

April 19, 2024

Our Top 2 Tips For Succeeding With Your Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants (VAs) can be transformative for business owners, offering much more than just administrative support—they can truly change the way your business operates. However, not every VA relationship is destined for success without the right groundwork. Here’s how to make sure your VA not only fits into your business but helps it thrive....

April 18, 2024

Tools That Every Small Business Should Be Using

The right digital tools can make your journey so much easier, enhancing efficiency and productivity and freeing up the time you need to focus on the things on your to-do list that only you can do.Technology is evolving rapidly, so choosing the right set of tools can be intimidating.Here's a list of eight essential, mostly free or low-cost tools that every small business should consider incorporating to streamline operations and foster growth....

April 11, 2024

What are the main things a virtual assistant does?

Imagine having someone that not only helps you tackle this mountain but also ensures you never dread opening your inbox again!Enter the world of Virtual Assistants (VAs) – your behind-the-scenes support for everything from administrative tasks to bookkeeping....

April 10, 2024

Managing Email Overload For a More Productive Work Day

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your inbox?  If you've found yourself drowning in emails, struggling to keep up with the constant stream of messages, or even checking your inbox well after business hours, you're not alone.  All the time and brainpower spent in your inbox could be better allocated elsewhere – focused on tasks that will drive your business forward. Here are our top 5 tips for managing email overload, so you can spend less time writing emails, and more tim...

April 9, 2024

Types of Virtual Assistants and The Pros and Cons for Each

As your to-do list grows alongside your business, the appeal of hiring a virtual assistant (VA) to reclaim some of your precious time becomes undeniable. But in the vast sea of VAs, how do you find the one that's just right for you? Let’s take a look at the key differences between local (think Australia and New Zealand) and overseas VAs, to help you make the best decision for your business....

April 8, 2024

Should I Hire a Local or Overseas Virtual Assistant?

The choice between hiring locally or overseas can significantly impact your operations, budget, and overall success. This guide offers an unbiased comparison to help you make an informed decision....

April 3, 2024

How do I choose the right VA for me?

With the range of options available, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Our guide aims to simplify this process, offering tips to help you find the VA that aligns with your needs perfectly....

April 2, 2024

How Much Does A Virtual Assistant Cost?

Instead of viewing a virtual assistant as another line item on your expense sheet, let's look at why they're a valuable investment. An investment that actually improves your company profits and makes your business more efficient. When we talk about smart spending in business, we're really talking about two kinds of expenses: those that keep the lights on and those that bring in sales. Hiring a VA falls into the second category. The goal here is to increase sales, smooth out processes, ...

March 28, 2024

Are You A Tradie? You Need A Virtual Assistant

It's time to consider bringing a virtual assistant on board to handle the nitty-gritty administrative tasks that are bogging you down.Here are just a few things that we could take off your plate: Xero reconciliation A time consuming but necessary task, an experienced VA will be able to quickly take over and tidy up your Xero reconciliations.  Project trackingDo you know how your jobs are stacking up financially? Accurate tracking of costs is crucial for maximising profits, an...

March 21, 2024

10 More Unexpected Tasks To Delegate To a Virtual Assistant

One of the benefits of using working with a virtual assistant agency like Strictly Savvy is that we can handle almost any task that you need to delegate. You're assigned one head VA who is backed by an entire team with a diverse range of skills. So, what kind of things can you delegate?  If you haven't read our first list of 10 unexpected things you can delegate to a VA, you should! We've included 10 more tasks to consider delegating below. Organising catering for meetings or even...

March 20, 2024

Can I have a virtual assistant for life admin?

A VA is equipped to do pretty much anything that takes things off your to-do list. As well as helping you with the admin or bookkeeping side of your business, there's nothing stopping them from booking the flights for your holiday, finding a nanny, or making sure you remember your annual dentist checkup!  Think of it this way, whatever is going to save time in your day and can be organised remotely, is something that you can ask your VA to help with. Here's some of the life admin ...

March 19, 2024

Delegating When You've Always Done It Yourself

If you've always done everything yourself, handing over the reins to someone else seems almost impossible, right?It can feel like "no one can do this task as accurately or efficiently as me” or “it would take too long to train someone else to do it right”. This is a really common mindset to fall into, but it almost always leads to burnout and overwhelm as you try to manage everything.Delegating your tasks is the only way to free up the time you need to move your business forward....

March 18, 2024

Should I hire a freelance VA?

You're overwhelmed, a slave to that never-ending to-do list, wondering how you'll ever get on top of everything.  You want to free up the time to focus on the things that only you can do in your business. The revenue-generating, business building, high level things that you love doing.  You decide that you need a virtual assistant to delegate your day-to-day admin, bookkeeping and creative tasks to. So, who do you hire? A freelancer, or an agency? Your knee-jerk reaction...

March 14, 2024 Posts 1-25 of 177 | Page next

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